
Beverly Kane Levy Bio

Hi! I am Beverly Levy, author of “Real People Listen”: A Chaplain, Imam, Monsignor, Pastor, Quaker, Rabbi Care About What The World Urgently Needs And How You Can Make A Difference! the popular Chicago radio vignette and much requested public speaking topic Freebies Steals and Deals, and prosperity blog called “Road Jockeys” (formerly “Where’d You Get Them Wheels?”) describing how vehicles make money for successful businesses.

What makes me a subject matter expert?

I yearn to become a better communicator. In 2008, I listen and journal every  conversation, every day, for one year. I learn much on my own. However, midway through my self-improvement project, I reach out to religious leaders from diverse backgrounds to better understand how to listen. I transcribe my questions and their responses. They share their experience and wisdom with me.  And now, through my book, public speaking program, or seminar Real People Listen, their wisdom is shared with you.

“Freebies Steals and Deals” is a culmination of information sharing with people “In The Know”. It’s like having a best friend with the inside scoop on cool stuff you and your friends are excited about. Just for fun, I try my luck on a Chicago radio station for 6 months with a 2 minute vignette each week. Now, you can join the fun by attending my public speaking program.

As CEO and blogger of “Road Jockeys” (formerly named “Where’d You Get Them Wheels?”), I reveal how successful entrepreneurs use vehicles to make their businesses money and increase profits. “Road Jockeys” includes menus, and on-the-road strategies to reduce stress, safety tips and much, much more.

Book a speaking engagement and / or consult appointment for your business, organization or not-for-profit agency.

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